Despiau Violin Bridge, standard, precut

Item: #VL5DD11415
Item: #VL5DD1124
Item: #VL5DD1126
Item: #VL5DD1129
Item: #VL5DD1132
Item: #VL5DD1136
Item: #VL5DD1138
Item: #VL5DD11415

  • Model 11 bridges are the most popular, with the heart and kidneys somewhat enlarged (precut). They generally require less work to finish.

Despiau Bridges utilize European sizing.
26mm=1/10 Suzuki or 1/16 European
24mm=1/16 Suzuki or 1/32 European

$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50
$ 7.50